✨ Fireworks ✨
July 4, 2024 5:30 PM
10:00 pm
Woodsom Farm
Please do not arrive at Woodsom Farm before 5:30pm - that is when we will have parking open, and if you park in the wrong spot we will have to tow your car
Food and live music starts at 6pm, there will be several food trucks to choose from.
Fireworks start at 9:00pm
Limited general parking (roughly 300 cars) is available at Woodsom Farm in the grass (220 Lions Mouth Road)
Handicap parking is available at 215 Lions Mouth Road
The Amesbury High School parking lot will be open
NO PARKING at Cashman Elementary School or anywhere on Lions Mouth Road. Cars will be towed at the owner's expense
Walking and bicycling is highly encouraged!
Until the general parking area is full at Woodsom Farm, Lion's Mouth Road will be open to car traffic. When the general parking area is full Lions Mouth Road will be closed to incoming traffic in the following places: Friend @ Highland, Lions Mouth @ Newton and Lions Mouth @ Kimball
Once the road closes, any traffic exiting from Woodsom Farm exit to the WEST (towards Newton/Kimball). Traffic will not be allowed to east towards downtown
To get to Route 110/495/95 - Travel west on Lions Mouth Road to Kimball Road. Take a left on Kimball Road until you reach Route 110. Take a left on Route 110 to get to I-495 N/S or I-95 N/S.
To get to downtown Amesbury - Travel west on Lions Mouth Road, bear right on Newton Road. Newton Road turns into West Whitehall, crosses into New Hampshire. Take a right on Whitehall Road which brings you back into Amesbury. From Whitehall, take a left at High Street or Friend Street to come downtown.
Pedestrians / cyclists will exit Woodsom Farm to the EAST (towards downtown)
Help On-Site
Emergency Management will have a tent set up at Woodsom Farm soccer fields entrance. Use this spot to meet up with friends, or tell children to go there if you get separated. If a child gets lost, 1 parent should report to the tent to notify police and we will initiate a search and have the band make an several announcements for the child.
Police will be stationed in numerous areas throughout the farm and the command post for Police/Fire/EMS will be at the entrance to the Woodsoms soccer fields.

No alcohol allowed on site
No fireworks or sparklers (illegal in Massachusetts)
No street parking on Lions Mouth Road
Please stay vigilant as you travel to and from Woodsom Farm; keep an eye out for pedestrians, cyclists, etc
Stay safe and have a great night!